UMS Wiki

Nerdington Nerdington 5 December 2018

Ned's Guide to Command Selectors

To respond to the /kill @a incident, I have personally read into the Minecraft's command page and taken the quiz (which in itself is a pretty good guide to learning command selectors).

So what are command selectors anyway?

Command selectors are essentially specific conditions that allows the executor (the OPs in this case) to target specific things, such as players or entities.

There are multiple selector variables that one can use, in which they are:

  • @p = nearest player
  • @r = random player
  • @a = all player
  • @e = all entities (including players)
  • @s = the entity executing the commands (which in itself is confusing and I'm not going to dive into this one because we're only going over the basics)

Notice how the first three variables (p, r, a) target only pla…

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Nerdington Nerdington 20 August 2018

Adopt the wiki


After the August raids that we have had, many raised their concerns to upgrade our security in the wikia. Unfortunately, our current and only active admin, RDP/Chapo, has expressed disinterest in becoming the caretaker of this wikia and the community as a whole. If you do support me, please express your concerns below!


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Nerdington Nerdington 4 September 2015

Why you do NOT use 'monster egg blocks'.

First off all, what is a 'monster egg' block that I'm talking about? (for newbies to Minecraft, like Colde84)

So, a monster egg block is a block that a silverfish lives in. If you don't know what a silverfish is, please, please,

I beg you, go to the Minecraft Gamepedia. 

You should know that when you hurt a silverfish near a monster egg block, the silverfish inside the block will break the block, and run away (mostly will attack you, but we are playing in creative anyway). This silverfish might enters another appropiate block for it, making the normal block to a 'monster egg' block.

So? Why you do NOT use 'monster egg' blocks for buildings? Just I said before, if you hurt a silverfish nearby, another will escape the block, ruining the building an…

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Nerdington Nerdington 1 August 2015

Keep Weston as the end of Templer Line or not?

So I recently built the Hue Station in Little Saigon, and manage to find a way to have a connection from Little Saigon to a station, Weston. I linked it up, ask RDP to make the junction, and everything is completed. I asked myself, should the Templer Line 'officially' extend to Little Saigon? Should it be the end of the line or still keep it as normal?

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